Platforms and Issues
Reshaping the conversation to make sure our issues are heard and not overlooked!
Party building in Communities of Color
Various nonprofit and bi-partisan organizations, including Baltimore City Democratic State Central Committee serve to educate voters on important issues and register new voters. I will work to increase voter registration, volunteer participation and meet voters where they are on the issues. This means working with our marginalized communities, bringing to life their voice, ideas and values. Party activities should be accessible for all!
Accountability and Representation
Baltimore City is primarily a Democratic City, however, we haven't always elected candidates that advocate for the needs of minority communities , LGBTQIA+ and black women on the issues that matter the most. Including, criminal justice reform, living wage, healthcare for all and support for our youth.
I am committed to making sure those in power are accountable to the voters. I will advocate for candidates and issues that speak to representation with bold innovative ideas and goals to uplift our communities. Prioritizing inclusion, access and transparency!
Increasing Food Access
A quarter of the 622,000 residents in Baltimore City live in a food desert and even more alarming is the 30% of Baltimore City children who live in those same areas. The COVID pandemic only intensified that need, as schools and businesses closed and access to resources were limited. I will advocate for candidates and initiatives that support our urban farmers, that grow retail opportunities for small business owners for healthy food options, increased resources for community supported agriculture and stronger food policies.
Worker Rights and Increased Wages
As the daughter of a Baltimore City school teacher I know first hand the importance of workers rights and the need for livable wages. I will continue to stand with workers across the city and the state on the issues most impactful to drive change and create a better quality of life!
Our Baltimore City Youth deserve and demand the best there is to offer! Our students shouldn't have to worry if their school has adequate heating and cooling, working water fountains or are clean safe environments. As the Director of Entrepreneurial Experiences at Junior Achievement I have seen the disparities in Baltimore City schools in comparison to other districts across the state. I will continue to work to advance educational equity in Baltimore City schools by supporting initiatives that aid our teachers and empower our youth.
Environmental Justice
I have a vision of a cleaner, greener Baltimore City. A city that has an enhanced recycling program , a reduction in waste and engages residents on greener practices. Championing more initiatives for property owners to pursue clean and renewable energy options. I am committed to supporting the Zero Waste plans and educating our youth and our communities on the benefits of green standards.
Reproductive Rights and Healthcare
As a black women I have always found access to healthcare to be challenging. In 2021 we are still fighting for health care and reproductive rights to be considered human rights! I have seen first hand the lack of resources and access for women of color and other disadvantaged communities. We have come so far to yet still be so far behind. More state funding needs to be allocated for access to resources, safe spaces available for treatment and mental health support. No more #bansonmybody. I plan to support candidates who take a strong stance on reproductive rights and health care initiatives.